We will not succumb to the presures but we stay aware. Secret police stops people on the street in Warsaw.
Last week we got an information about plain cloth officer who was standing and watching around Marszałkowska and Hoża streets in Warsaw. We know that he stopped at least one person and directly asked about some information about three arrested anarchists. Next day police called to roommate of these person asked not only about them but also about contact with Warsaw squats. We will not succumb to the pressures of the authorities and poor provocation but we stay aware. Belong important information how to react when police will try to contact you:
- Every officer has to give you his/her name, surname and range, and you have right to write it down. Do it, it’s very important!
- Don’t let theme provoke you and don’t talk with theme. Cut the conversation and take only officers’ data.
- If police will try contact you – spread the information. The more we know about their activities, the saver we are. You can contact using mail: wawa3@riseup.net
Solidarity is our strength!